Cooperation enables a person to meet their needs while also meeting the needs of others. This is an important life skill that need to be taught at a young age. Parents, teachers, and other adults have the responsibility to teach the young ones how to cooperate.
For them to cooperate, your youngsters need to understand that the rules that you have established are for their own good. The following tips can help your children develop the skills to cooperate with you and others.
- Explain why there are requests and rules.
Your preschoolers are already at a certain age where they can understand simple instructions and explanations. They may already be going to Child Care Centres in Garner, NC for education, too.
When you request them to do something, do not forget to give out the reason, too. Make your explanation as simple as possible. If they understand why you want them to do something, they will more likely to cooperate with you.
- Assign age-appropriate chores.
Performing house chores leads to opportunities for cooperation. As soon as your children can perform various house chores appropriate for their age, assign such chores to them. As much as possible, let them know how cooperation can benefit them and the entire family or group.
You can start with letting them help set the table after they arrive from their Day Care Center in Garner, NC. You can ask them to wash the car with you, sweep the floor, or put their laundry in the laundry basket.
- Praise them for their efforts.
Let them know how their efforts in cooperating with you helped achieve a specific task. Praise them for what they have done. Be specific with your praise so your children will know their skills.
- Instead of commands, give suggestions and options.
Commanding them to do something will most likely result to resistance from your little ones. Instead of giving out commands, give them suggestions on how they can do a specific task. At the same time, your children will most likely pick the option they prefer and fulfill it. Giving them the opportunity to choose is a good way to show respect.
Little Believer’s Academy is your partner in educating and developing the skills of your young ones. We offer Quality Care for Children in Garner, North Carolina.