In a world full of challenges and confusion, every one of us needs solace. For most of us, we find a sense of peace in a powerful prayer life. With the comfort a prayer brings to ourselves, we wish to share it with our loved ones, especially children.
In child development, there are various aspects to look out for. With our help, there is no need to worry. Little Believer’s Academy works hard to educate your little one that centers on strong moral values, helping you instill in them a strong foundation that leads to a lifelong love for Christian teachings.
Our daycare center in Clayton, NC, is Christian-based. Our beliefs strengthen us as they enhance our wellness and quality of life. If you want to start teaching your child how to pray, there is an easy way for your little one to do it, which is called the five-finger prayer.
- Thumb
Praying for people who are close to them, such as family and friends.
- Pointer Finger
Praying for people who guide or lead the way, such as teachers and preachers.
- Tall Finger
Praying for people who hold authority, such as people in the government and police.
- Ring Finger
Praying for people who are in need, such as those who live in poverty or are sick.
- Little Finger
Praying for themselves. Teach your little one to pray for their growth in mind, body, and spirit.
At our academy, we believe in the importance and implementation of balance. From indoor and outdoor free play to vital subjects, we offer STEM education in NC.
When it comes to top-notch childcare in Garner, NC, that also prioritizes biblical principles, you will find it here with us. Contact us today to enroll your child at our daycare center!