What is the difference between a daycare and preschool?
A daycare or childcare center is designed to provide safe care for your child, while a preschool is intended to stimulate learning, creativity, and essential skill development to prepare your child for the classroom experience. Age is also a factor in the classification. Little Believer’s Academy is structured like a preschool. Our 2 year old class is a hybrid of daycare and preschool and our 3 and 4 year old classes are designed like a preschool with our focus on kindergarten readiness. The foundation we create for our preschoolers has allowed us to score the highest for the kindergarten readiness testing in Johnston and Wake County.
At what age should my child enroll in preschool?
Most children begin preschool at the age of two, but ultimately, the best answer is based on your child’s readiness.
What is your educational philosophy?
Our goal is to provide a loving, happy place for young children to learn and grow as we bridge the gap from home to school, in a Christian-based environment. Our staff supports a positive self-image in each child while building social skills in a scholastic setting.
What type of licensing and accreditation do you have?
Little Believer’s Academy has earned a 5 Star Rating from the State of North Carolina. This is the highest that you can receive and it is based on education and program standards.
How often do you clean the rooms and toys?
All of our facilities (including toys) are cleaned at least once a day. The toddler room is cleaned twice a day, and the changing tables are disinfected after each diaper change.
What is your policy regarding sick children?
In order to keep our children and their families, and our staff, as healthy as possible, we require that any child with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or contagious disease be kept at home.
What security measures are in place to protect my child?
Your child’s safety and your peace of mind are of the utmost concern at Little Believer’s Academy. The front door always remains locked and we ask that visitors ring the doorbell for service. Each family has a code to get in the door and sign children in and out each day. We also have camera’s in all rooms. All visitors must register in our office.
Do you provide meals and snacks?
Yes! In fact, we maintain a commercial kitchen and a nutrition specialist so that we can prepare and serve nutritious, home-cooked meals and snacks for children. We serve fresh and organic fruits and vegetables.
What are your rates?
We do not post our rates but are happy to email you. Please contact us and let us know the program you are interested in.
What hours are you open?
We are open Monday through Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. and Saturday’s by appointment.
Do you offer part-time care?
Yes. Our schedules are flexible to meet the needs of today’s busy parents.
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