How often does your child watch videos on a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop? With today’s technology, it will be difficult for parents not to use the Internet for some online videos. Because of this, we also shared in another blog some important guidelines for parents in order to manage their children’s screen time.
As a Day Care Center in Garner, NC, we recognize and value our role in promoting a child’s overall welfare. Everything that concerns a child’s development, whether it’s included in our programs, something occurring in the society, or the latest happenings online, it will be something we would want to pay attention to.
Here in the country, we’ve heard recent reports about mobile apps that have been causing life-threatening influence on children. For parents, this can be very alarming indeed. As second parents to your child, we understand how this can be truly worrisome to you as well. However, online videos are already part of our culture such that completely prohibiting its usage for our children will be close to impossible. And on another hand, online videos are not all that bad for our children. There are also plenty of helpful and educational videos that children can have access to.
Because of this, we believe that once online viewing is supervised, children can benefit greatly from the vast resources online. To highlight, here are key benefits of viewing videos online:
- Access to Analytical Games
The online world is full of games and entertainment that children can pass their time with. There are even games that can supplement their learning about reading, counting, and writing, lessons they can learn in our Child Care Centre in Garner, NC. These games can help them think, analyze, and decide in an age-appropriate way, therefore beneficial for their learning growth and brain development.
- Exposure with Other Cultures
Online videos can also feature different happenings and children from other cultures, which is going to be a great learning experience for our little ones. When they see children wearing another kind of clothes, speaking a different language, and practicing another faith, and yet, similar children as they are, then their perspective of the world can expand.
- Exercise of Memory Skills
As a provider of Quality Care for Children in Garner, North Carolina, enhancing a child’s memory is also one of the key points of our programs. We nurture this because it is integral in their learning progress. This memory and cognition skill is also nurtured through online videos as they follow with the singing, games, and other activities.
At the end of the day, it will all be about how we took a serious role in ensuring that our child’s wellbeing is preserved. This is a goal we also pursue with you always at Little Believer’s Academy. What do you think about allowing your child for supervised online videos? We’d love to hear your insights. Comment them below!
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