There have been many published literary works in the forms of journals, blogs, documentaries, or research studies, that tells us of the negative effects of daycare in children. Especially in the areas of emotional and social development, day care is said to create negative behaviors and outcome in children that are very undesirable.
But to parents who have no other choice but to work and leave their children in daycare, take heart. There are also proven positive effects that daycare brings about to children. Just because it did not work in one, does not mean it will not work in all. Given the right daycare facility, and a strong parental support at home, children who are enrolled in daycare have high chances of getting good results when carried out well.
- Enhanced social skills.
Children who are exposed to peers at a young age have high chances of developing good social skills, versus others who are left at home and on their own, watching TV. In a daycare environment, children are taught how to engage, share, play with, and behave around other people, primarily children their age. Here, they get to learn practical lessons from actual experiences on how they should be kind, generous, helpful, and polite towards others.
- Better acceptance of schedules and routines.
In most daycare centers, children are given a set of activities based on schedule. These routines that they are made to go through each day will make them appreciate schedules, rules, and systems. This will make them better adhere to guidelines, instructions, policies, and discipline as adults.
- Early practice of independence.
Children who are in daycare are also more likely to be more independent. Since they spend most of their time without mommy, they develop a sense of being more empowered and being more vocal when asking for assistance or asking for what they want. It is a person’s inner survival instinct that makes him or her feel self-sufficient, especially in a place where mommy and daddy cannot be there for them.
- Learning to properly respond to authority.
Because of the presence of teachers, staff, and more figures of authority, kids who go to daycare have an earlier sense on how to properly respond to them. So when they start going to big school, to church, or in other places outside home, they will already know that they have to obey people who are in the position of making them so.
- Attaining more knowledge through guided learning.
Most importantly, since kids are more subjected to teachings in daycare than with busy moms or nannies at home, they gain more knowledge and get to learn earlier through structured and learning activities that they get to do in daycare centers.
These are but a few positive things that can happen to your child should you decide to send him to daycare. But you would have to remember that when your child is with you, you would have to do your part as well. We can never leave parenting to daycare teachers. The positive or negative effects of daycare cannot be solely faulted to the educational system, the facility, or the factor of parental presence. It is always a combination of all these things, plus more.
If you are highly considering sending your child to daycare, we hope that we can be of assistance to you. Here in Little Believer’s Academy, we help parents have peace of mind about sending their kids to our facility. We are a daycare center in North Carolina who wish to support families by providing a safe, loving, and exciting environment for their most precious children.
We have activities and programs kids will surely enjoy and learn from. We would like to share them and show our facilities to you. We hope you can schedule a campus tour with us soon.